Program Overview
The California Bears Youth Hockey Club provides a premier hockey experience that is dedicated to age appropriate, age specific skill development in accordance with USA Hockey’s American Development Model and competitive programs for boys and girls (6-18).
Our program will be offering the following:
A, BB and/or B Level
These teams provide the necessary skill development, competition and training for new or experienced players. These teams will participate in SCAHA (Southern California Amateur Hockey Association) league play, CAHA playoffs as well as local and regional tournament opportunities will be provided to players within these teams.
Typical Schedule: SOCAL = 90%, NORCAL = 0%, Out-Of-State = 10%
Playoffs: SOCAL + State Only
Tier II, or “AA”
Players train and develop more complex skills through game experience coupled with more advanced practice programs that are developed to further advance the players abilities. Our “AA” teams will participate in SCAHA and CAHA weekends along with the appropriate regional and national level tournaments.
Typical Schedule: SOCAL = 60%, NORCAL = 10%, Out-Of-State = 30%
Playoffs: State + Nationals (14U+ Only)
Tier I, or “AAA”
Tier I, or “AAA”, is the highest level of youth hockey recognized in the US.
Typical Schedule: SOCAL = 30%, Out-Of-State = 70%
Playoffs: State + Districts + Nationals (14U+ Only)