bear mail
Alumni. Community. Education.
Alumni Spotlight!
Aidan Armaly
The Bear Facts!
Bear Nights
Things to Do!
On the 405

more information on acha hockey

At one time, college club hockey was the last chance saloon. The ACHA (American Collegiate Hockey Association) did not have the greatest competitive reputation. Not anymore. As new rules are opening the doors for young “former” professionals to play NCAA D-1 and snag the limited scholarships, many talented junior players are finding less openings on the top collegiate teams. So, after battling in juniors, they find the competition is fierce with many finding themselves pushed down to lower college divisions. Club hockey is reaping the rewards of top prep and AAA players who had stellar junior careers (as well as former semi-pros putting education first) joining their teams. I spoke to a scout recently and he said it’s time to reset expectations and really examine all paths. This is great news for USA Hockey as it proves the talent pool is only getting deeper and stronger. What we will eventually be seeing is more colleges adding hockey to their athletic programs. This inevitably means more opportunities and more scholarships. Check out this article for more details

The steps to take to get there…
Coach Torsson will host the largest prep-school camp in the USA at Pickwick on March 14th and 15th 2025. Subsequent information about prep-school hockey will come through the camp portal as we get near the end of the year. Look out for Coach Torsson’s emails, info of social media, Bear Mail and the portal as information will be updated and flowing continuously.
The year always evaporates in a flash – so take time to schedule now! (Especially for the Prep Camp in March 2025 which always has a WAIT LIST!).
Registration Link for Prep Camp March 2025:

Brennan Klier (2009) – Pottstown, Pennsylvania
I’m just a couple months in, but already, I feel like attending The Hill School is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Although it wasn’t originally on my radar, I discovered The Hill at a Ten Schools event Coach Torsson recommended we attend. Here, The Hill and its ambassadors, one of which was head varsity hockey coach Chris Bala, were friendly and answered all my questions. The focus at the event wasn’t just hockey, but the overall boarding school experience. You really got a feel for each of the schools. Later, I made my way out to the campus to take part in a revisit day. Students showed me around the facilities and the classrooms, and more importantly, demonstrated why The Hill is known as the “Family Boarding School.” I remember walking around campus, with my student tour guides, and everybody was saying hi to us. It gave me a sense of belonging. You could tell everyone knew and respected each other. The Hill focuses strongly on academics, but they’re not overwhelming. They keep it fun and engaging. Classes are small, activities are enjoyable, and you learn so much. In terms of hockey, the season at Hill is packed. In the winter, we’ll play two games a week and practice every day. During the fall, hockey is available on campus through the Huntsmen program, and the ice rink is always available for personal use. The balance of academics, athletics, and community fit me perfectly.

The Bear Facts…
COMLIMENTARY KINGS GAME TICKET! Great NEWS! SCAHA is offering each Bears player one (1) complimentary ticket for a November LA Kings home game! This is not to be confused with BEAR NIGHT. This is a separate event/ticket. CLICK on this Bears link and have appropriate CODE ready (below): CODES BEARS-8U BEARS-10U BEARS-12U BEARS-14U BEARS-AAA Rules: Only one (1) ticket per player for one (1) game in October or November. The LA Kings reserve the right to cancel order if this rule is violated.
THINGS TO DO on the 405!
ARGUE! Over this mind-bending discovery that hot dogs are in fact sandwiches This simple chart will help you as you cruise through Bakersfield (after eating Condors for breakfast) and searching for food before the 2.5-hour drive back to wherever you live in Los Angeles.
VOTE! For the most beautiful word in the world at Cellar Door ( and see if any of our favorite hockey slang is in there like gino, flow, flamingo, duster, grocery stick, beauty, hoser, scratcher or pineapple. This a great distraction for a Monday night while you watch your kid, from the comfort of your cozy car, doing dryland in the parking lot while being inspired by the gentle Swedish giant, Lektorp!
LISTEN! Nothing will move you more than Braveheart’s “A Gift of a Thistle” by James Horner. This version (3) A Gift of a Thistle SLOWED and in the rain • Braveheart ambient music - YouTube is slowed over 20 minutes with added rain for ambience. It’s perfect to meditate to whenever Southwest delays your flight from Nashville to LAX on a Sunday night because of mechanical problems and somehow loses your $400 stick that was last tracked in Toronto.
BE HIP! “Fashions fade, style is eternal, and hip checks are forever,” was once expressed by Yves Saint Laurent. Ok, maybe not the “hip check” part. But hip checks, which became nearly extinct over a decade ago, are now back much to the consternation (and constipation) of those pesky wingers flying through the neutral zone with their heads down! Of course, let’s not forget to point fingers at the defense for giving those hospital passes to their “favorite” center! and be prepared to wince.
DEBATE! I know, I know, I know! There’s no debate as fierce as the politics of suitcases when you hit the road – what is better luggage hard or soft shell? This will eat away 30 minutes of freeway time when you force all occupants to choose a side Hard Shell or Soft? The Great Luggage Debate Divides Travelers - WSJ Safe travels! (hard shell forever).